Case Studies: Solving Outrageous Medical Bills
Medical bills can be surprisingly high and complicated. It’s a common problem many people face. In this blog entry, we’ll highlight some real-life examples of outrageous medical bills and how each situation was resolved.
Case 1: $30,000 Bill After Insurance
In one case, a patient discovered a $30,000 bill on his credit report. This happened when he attempted to buy a house. Despite having insurance at the time of treatment, he was sent to collections. Expert advocates reviewed all his bills and determined that the hospital had already been paid by his insurance. After working with the collections agency, the bill was reduced to $3,000, saving him 90% of the original amount.
Case 2: $89,000 Bill While on Vacation
Another person faced a shocking $89,000 bill while on vacation out of town. Despite having insurance, it only covered $2,000 of the total charge. The hospital was known for aggressive legal action against non-paying patients. An analysis showed the hospital’s charges were twice the reasonable amount. Persistently negotiating with the hospital’s bureaucracy led to a reduction of over $50,000.
Case 3: $36,000 ER Bill for a Canadian Visitor
A retired Canadian visiting the US incurred a $36,000 Emergency Room bill. Despite having travel insurance, her claim was denied due to a pre-existing condition. Advocates conducted a Fair Price Analysis and found insurance would typically pay $11,000 for the same services. With this information, they negotiated the bill down to just over $10,000, a 70% reduction.
Case 4: $50,000 Emergency Surgery Bill
An emergency surgery resulted in a $50,000 bill for another patient, which he managed to negotiate down to $35,000. However, this was still too high for him to pay. Further analysis revealed the hospital’s adjusted charge was still double what an insurance company would typically pay. Advocates further negotiated it down to just under $10,000, ensuring a fairer and more manageable bill.
Case 5: $40,000 Bill for Life-Saving Treatment
A final example involved a patient needing life-saving neuro-spinal treatment. The only specialist available to her was out-of-network, leading to a $40,000 bill. Her insurance denied coverage, but advocates successfully demonstrated that the treatment was medically necessary and unavailable in-network. The insurance company reversed its decision, covering the complete cost.
From these stories, it’s evident that medical bills can often contain errors or inflated charges. If you feel overwhelmed by your medical bills, remember there are ways to lower them. Our team is dedicated to helping you navigate this complex process, ensuring you get the fair treatment you deserve. We are here to help with resolving these challenging situations.